Sunday, December 9, 2012

From my corner of the world

I love fabric and gardening. Oh, and reading...and chocolate...and singing...and animals...and technology...and talking with other people who love the same things. I'm addicted to blogs about them, too. On Google reader, which I just discovered, I already have a list of 22 sewing blogs.

I live in the northeast section of the US, on an island 13 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. We have most of the modern amenities, except for cell service, but of course no fabric stores unless you count the "Swap Shop" at the local landfill. This is an old trailer truck body where folks leave items that 1) they think are too good to throw away, or 2) don't want to pay to dispose of. Ideally, the first outnumber the second! I have found some lovely and useful things here: Flax dresses, vintage patterns, sewing machines, like-new Foodsaver vacuum devices, Fiesta dishes and a fabulous all-weather coat with a removable lining that I wear a lot! Look for photos of some of the things I have found in my next post!

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